Week 5 - Mechanisms of Perception
Week 5 — Mechanisms of Perception
Monday 02/03 - Discussion: Machines and Bodies, Interfaces and Allegorithms in INSIDE
Wednesday 02/05 - Nope POV and scopic regimes of perception
- Watch Nope (2022), dir. Jordan Peele; Pokémon: SNAP! (1999) Available via Canvas
- Read Beller, “Camera Obscura After All: The Racist Writing with Light”; Galloway, “Origins of the First-Person Shooter”PDFs on Canvas
Friday 02/07 - Section: Critical Play Session
- Play INSIDE (2016)
Contact & Office Hours
Check the course canvas shell for direct access to course files.
To request a meeting or reach out with questions contact me directly at sgotzler@unc.edu.
Office Hours: Tue 12:00PM-1:00PM (GL 313) | Fri 11:00AM-12:00PM (GL 313).