
I explore topics in critical game studies, digital scholarly editing/publishing, and public humanities.

Interested in collaborating on research? – contact me

Current Projects

Working Models: Computation, Labor, and the Procedures of Play

Book project in development. This project investigates the overlapping material histories of computation, work, and play to consider how the procedural components of games, (e.g., object orientated programming languages, role-playing character “stat” lines, and diagrammatic game boards), often model logics of social dependency, racialization, and extractivism in playable form. I argue that by attending to the working models that games provide us, we can glean new insights about urgent contemporary questions — about historical struggle, social ontology, and futurity – from within the increasingly gamified cultural landscape of the 21st century.

Instructional Design for Critical Play: Teaching with Games in the Humanities

This grant proposal seeks to build and disseminate resources for critical game studies pedagogy. Specifically, this project will develop practical instructional design resources, such as web tutorials and instructional videos, that outline UNC’s Critical Game Studies pedagogy for use by other humanities programs, and create the online infrastructure for sharing these resources with educators throughout the nation.

In preparation for submission to the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Humanities Initiative Grants Program (May 2025)

Co-Principal Investigator, with Courtney Rivard (ongoing)

Subject Matter: Table Top

Subject Matter: Table Top is a podcast about board games and the subject matter that animates them. In this podcast, Steve Gotzler and Jordan Tynes explore the world of tabletop games with people who possess a deep understanding of the various themes, settings, systems, or content that we encounter in them. What does an economist think about while playing Monopoly? What about a quilter sitting down for a round of Patchwork? A planetary geologist and Terraforming Mars? Or a farmer and Agricola?

Steve, Jordan, and their guests consider how games communicate information about the variety of subjects they take up. They also ask how games can influence players’ feelings about each other, and the world that they inhabit. From the physical components strewn about the table, to the rules we share while playing, sit down for a round of playful discussion about the cultural relevance of tabletop gaming.

Collaborators: Jordan Tynes (ongoing)

Past Projects


MARXdown is an online digital project developed for the Contemporary Marxist Reading Group (CMRG) at Carnegie Mellon University using the lightweight markup language Markdown. Designed to support group annotation of key texts for our CMRG, it provides a centralized and accessible online space for ongoing critical engagement between readers and materials related to the study of Marxist theory. This digital reading edition brings together the original English translation from 1887 Marx’s Capital Vol. 1 with extant scholarly sources to create a multi-layered annotated edition of the text, providing critical reading guides and supplemental historical and sociological data in one easily accessible and user-friendly interface.

Collaborators: Avery J. Wiscomb, Daniel Evans. (2018-2021)

The Frankenstein Variorum

This project is preparing a new digital variorum edition of the novel Frankenstein. The variorum edition is a digital collation of five distinct versions of the novel produced between 1816 and 1831. With Professor Jon Klancher, Avery J. Wiscomb, and John Quirk, I have been working as a part of the team using the software to generate and manage a set of linked annotations across all 5 versions of the text.

Collaborators: Jon Klancher, Elisa E. Beshero-Bondar, Matthew Lincoln, Rikk Mulligan, John Quirk, Emma Slayton, Raffaele Viglianti, Scott B. Weingart, Avery J. Wiscomb.(2018-2019)

The Historical TV Guide / Mapping the Television Mega-Text

The Historical TV Guide uses digital tools to gather available textual data sources on television programming in the 1950s drawn from textual sources in online databases, archives and encyclopedias of television programming, much of which no longer exists in watchable form. Originally a distant reading project, entitled “Mapping the Television Mega-Text,” we also used computational methods to analyze working-class content on 1950s television.

Collaborators: Kathleen M. Newman, Daniel J. Evans, Scott B. Weingart, Emma Slayton. (2017-2019)

The Frankenstein Complex

Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, “The Frankenstein Complex” demonstrates the continuing relevance of Victor Frankenstein and his creature to contemporary audiences by relating rare university holdings such as the 1818 first edition of the text, and documents in the history of science from pioneering figures such as Luigi Galvani, to CMU’s ongoing areas of scientific research including brain-computer interfaces, robotics, the visual arts and artificial intelligence. Examining these areas of contemporary research in light of the novel’s much wider cultural legacy, the exhibit locates them within a ‘complex’ of ideas about the mind, the body, nature, ethical dilemmas, revolutions, and creators of all kinds. Ultimately, the exhibit encourages visitors to better understand how Frankenstein plays an important role in shaping our perceptions of technological innovations, and also how we continue to think about ourselves as humans.

Collaborators: Avery J. Wiscomb, John Quirk. (2018)

  • Find coverage of the exhibit here

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